Motivational Christian Speakers for Youth & Churches

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A Personal Note From Tony to You

The pulpit is one of the most sacred spaces in the world—a place where God’s people find guidance, hear His Word, and feel the admonishment and encouragement of His Spirit through a pastor called to lead them along the narrow path.

When a church seeks a motivational Christian speaker to share their testimony, these sacred responsibilities of the pulpit must be honored. While the task can seem challenging, it becomes effortless when the right speaker is chosen—someone who uplifts, inspires, and aligns with the church’s mission to serve its congregation.

I have been a Christian speaker for over 15 years, and my proven track record speaks for itself. Below you will read the details of God’s deliverance and the power of his glory manifested through me.

My mission as a motivational speaker for churches and youth groups is to uplift and inspire every person to have a closer relationship with God, come face to face with their calling, accomplish work assigned to them by Christ, and live out Christ’s example in their daily lives so they may experience the peace that surpasses all understanding.

If you hit the Book Tony button and fill out the form, it will be sent directly to me. I do not have agents who manage all my bookings. For me, trust and genuine connection are the foundation of any successful partnership with a potential host for my next event. I hope that you find my story and the work God has done through me to be the perfect fit as your next Christian motivational speaker.

~Tony Hoffman

A Christian Speaker with a Remarkable Story: The Journey From Prison to the Olympics that Has Inspired Thousands

Early Life

Tony’s faith journey is both unique and deeply relatable, especially for those who haven’t walked with Christ their entire lives. While many Christian speakers share stories of lifelong faith, Tony’s experience offers a different perspective—one of struggle, redemption, and transformation. His compelling and engaging story resonates with audiences who may feel disconnected or uncertain in their own faith, showing that it’s never too late to find purpose through Christ.

Life With Strong Morals and Values

Tony Hoffman’s upbringing was rooted in a family model built on strong morals and values, shaped by a clear sense of right and wrong. However, while these principles provided a solid foundation for his character, faith in Christ was not a part of the picture.

Unlike many Christian speakers who grew up in households centered on Jesus, Tony’s story is different. Despite the positive values instilled in him from an early age, something always felt incomplete—a missing piece that only a foundation in Christ could provide. His journey speaks to those who seek deeper purpose beyond moral living, demonstrating how faith can transform even the strongest values into a life of true fulfillment.

Life as a Gifted Athlete

Tony Hoffman was an exceptionally gifted athlete from the moment he began playing sports. He’s one of a rare few Christian keynote speakers who can share a deep level of sports involvement with their audience.

Tony’s early recognition of sports was during his participation in playing basketball. His first big dream was to play in the NBA. Everything seemed to be on track by the time he was in middle school, but life seemed to take turns quickly at the age of twelve and thirteen.

Tony began to feel an emptiness inside him as he became a young teenager. Anxiety, depression, hopelessness & confusion began to plague his spirit. It seemed to have a disconnect between himself and the purpose of life.

Attempting to internalize his mental health struggles quickly led to isolation from both peers and family. He believed that solitude meant suffering alone, convinced that no one could truly understand the thoughts and emotions he was battling within himself.

In reality, the missing piece in Tony’s life was Jesus Christ. It was the guidance and empowerment of God’s Word that would ultimately lead him through the darkness that life inevitably brings to each of us in different seasons. Without the light and direction of God, Tony’s path was headed toward self-destruction—a reality that began to unfold during his teenage years. His struggles escalated when he was removed from middle school after making the decision to sell marijuana to a female peer.

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Addressing Mental Health Challenges

A big part of Tony’s presentation is helping his audience understand mental health and how we as people should use coping skills like communication and counseling directed by the values of Christ. He believes that healing not only comes through the spirit of God but also through the work each of us does through our commitment to Christ.

Tony speaks about the vulnerability it takes to open up about our shortcomings in safe spaces like home groups with spiritual mentors or programs like Celebrate Recovery & Regen. The mental health crisis in the modern world is clear and the perfect speaker for church events and youth groups. Tony wants listeners to know that we are not alone, but we will feel alone if we continue to keep our struggles to ourselves.

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Christian Keynote Speakers on Addiction

Addiction used to be a taboo topic inside the church. The focus of the old-school era of church was putting your best face forward even if you were struggling with addictive behaviors, mental health, or relationships. It opened the door for some individuals to feel as if they were not able to hit the mark of perfection set before them.

This stands in contrast to the message of the modern church, which teaches us to bring our struggles to Christ. While we have all fallen short of the glory of God, it is through the power and guidance of His Spirit that we can overcome addictions—whether to sex, pornography, alcohol, drugs, food, or unhealthy relationships—and find true freedom and healing.

From Prison to The Olympics – The Power of God’s Deliverance

Tony Hoffman’s presentation, ‘From Prison to The Olympics’ – The Power of God’s Deliverance, gives a captivating insight into addiction and how it works. His work in the field of substance use addiction through his drug and alcohol facility in Southern California makes him an expert on the topic.

As a Christian motivational speaker, Tony delivers God’s message in a uniquely relatable and impactful way, addressing the struggles many of God’s people face today. His testimony is powerful, offering both education and inspiration. As Tony recounts the painful realities of his teenage years, he vividly portrays the depths of addiction—the overwhelming loneliness, despair, and the relentless cycles that trap so many. His story resonates deeply, reminding audiences of the hope and redemption found through Christ.

Christian Motivational Speakers: The Prophetic Calling

In the midst of Tony’s drug addiction, a close friend who gave his life to Christ and left their hometown of Fresno, California, to serve in Christ’s ministry in San Diego, California, called Tony Hoffman with a vision God had shared with him about Tony.

“God gave me a vision and you were in it. I need you to pay close attention. God is going to give you 3 significant chances to stop doing what you are doing. If you don’t stop before these 3 chances take place, you’re going to be taken to prison”

It’s a conversation in August of 2005 Tony will never forget and one that Tony vividly remembers today because, for the first time, he started to consider Christ and his existence. It was a year later in the fall of 2006 that Tony was pulled over by the police three times in four days.

Each time, Tony should have been arrested and taken to jail. At the time, Tony was on felony probation for a drug-related robbery he committed in 2004. It wasn’t until after the third time being pulled over and let go that Tony realized while saying to himself, “That was the 3 chances Adam was talking about. I think I’m going to prison soon.”

Motivational Christian Speaker for Churches Submits His Life to Christ

In January of 2007, after sleeping on the street homeless for 6 months, Tony Hoffman was invited to a church by a friend of his. Tony took the invitation and, on January 21, 2007, found himself at his first church service. During an alter call at the end of the service, the senior pastor told Tony the words that began his surrender and repentance, which eventually became the foundation of his sanctification and atonement.

“God has favored you your entire life in everything that you’ve done. You don’t have to worry anymore God is going to remove you from your addiction”

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Tony said to himself, “I believe, I believe, this is real, this is real. I can’t believe this is real.”

That evening, Tony broke into a house and woke up the next day to the cops in the room who would take him to jail on a violation of probation. Shortly after, Tony was sentenced to 4.5 years in Prison.

Christian Keynote Speaker: Gods Calling and Redemption

It was in his first cell at Wasco State Prison on the first night that Christian motivational speaker Tony Hoffman cried out to God and asked for direction. It was his complete surrender that gave way to God’s direction and inspiration through the studying of his word that Tony’s renewing of the mind would be built on.

Tony begins to challenge his audience during this part of his presentation. God has called every person to do specific work that needs to be done with their time on earth to build the kingdom of God. Tony encourages his listeners to think about what the true meaning of faith is and how when we truly believe that God is real there is a very strong work that follows this belief.

It is by faith that we work daily on God’s calling, and it is Christ’s provision that sustains us during our time on earth. One must know that no matter how dark our internal spirit has become God’s deliverance and our obedience to the Spirit can drastically change any person’s life for the better.

Tony’s time in prison was about developing a relationship with Christ that involved prayer, faith, studying the word, and taking action to start a new life.

The great thing about having Tony as your Christian motivational speaker for churches and youth groups is that he does not preach down to the listeners. His story tells and challenges the audience to think more deeply about faith, the spiritual mechanics of Christ and how to apply them to our lives.

Tony felt God call him to four things while in prison:

  1. Race BMX professionally
  2. Go to the Olympics
  3. Start a non-profit for kids called Freewheel Project
  4. Become a Christian motivational speaker

Christian Speakers Who Care About Your Spiritual Growth

Seventeen Years Into The Calling

Tony has since lived out the entirety of the vision Christ showed him in Wasco State Prison. After paroling prison in December of 2008, Tony began racing BMX professionally.

He sustained a career-ending knee injury at the end of 2011 before switching to coaching athletes in his sport. In 2012, Tony founded Freewheel Project, a non-profit organization for underserved youth that used action sports to make connections with young teens who needed mentors.

Traveling 250 Days Year Sharing the Powerful Messages of Christ

Tony is one of the most prominent motivational speakers in the world, traveling 250 days a year sharing the powerful testimony of Christ and currently the only person in the world who was in prison at one time and participated in the Olympics.

In 2016, Tony coached Brooke Crain to a 4th place finish at the Rio Olympic games, which opened up the door for the viral story millions of people have watched online, ‘From Prison to The Olympics.’ Tony celebrates 17 years of sobriety on May 17, 2024, and has continued to follow God’s calling placed upon him in the hopes that through the work assigned to him, God’s kingdom would grow.

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Tony Hoffman

Tony Hoffman is dedicated to inspiring change and hope by empowering others through personal growth, mental health awareness, and recovery.
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