Tony Hoffman: Motivational Speaker Reviews

Hiring a speaker can be a scary thing. “Will they offend our audience, can they navigate current social climates and can they effectively impact our audience?” Tony’s goal is for you to book him for your event with confidence. Don’t take his word for it, take the word of many others.
Book Tony
  • Dan R. Blankenship- Superintendent Butterfield-Odin Schools

    “Tony Hoffman came and gave a motivational and inspirational speech to the school that I work in.

    In my 25 plus years in education I have never seen anyone keep a group of students in tune for over an hour and Mr. Hoffman had these students listening for an hour and 45 minutes. His message hit home for all of these students. He not only spoke about mental health which is a huge problem in our society, but he also talked about the latest drugs that students are dealing with.

    I strongly encourage you to have Mr. Hoffman speak to your school. The problems our young adults are dealing with have no boundaries and every student is dealing with something. One of my teachers told me when he left the gym after Mr. Hoffman finished his program “Best lyceum I have been to.”

  • Josh Hull – Business Development Coordinator- Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc.

    “Tony’s program was riveting. He was able to take us on an emotional rollercoaster, all the while driving home the point that each one of us has our own unique story that has molded and shaped us into the person that we are today.

    The following message continues to resonate through our souls nearly twenty four hours after the program, rather than placing judgement on people who are truly unable to modify their destructive actions, we should instead, invest the time to determine what has caused these actions to surface in their life.”

  • Michelle Savko – Sierra Sands Unified School District Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum and Instruction

    “Tony’s “The Choice” was provided to our secondary students in light of our community and students being impacted by the national mental health and addiction crisis. Tony’s story in itself was powerful; but what had the greatest impact was his raw and poignant authenticity that cut through economic or social status. His story truly reached the students. After each presentation, Tony made himself available for individual conversations and genuine human kindness. It is clear that this is his calling and that his story and wisdom will prevent so many others from making a choice that will adversely alter the course of their lives forever. I have not seen anyone better do this kind of transformational work that is desperately needed in all communities.”

  • Ian McFeat – Principal La Cañada High School

    “Tony’s talk made an indelible mark on our school. He is down to earth, engaging, funny, and real, and our students connected well to his message. Schools today, more than ever, need social and emotional support for all students. Tony reinforced our work in this area in ways that we could not have on our own.

    Tony is one of the most sought after speakers in the country, and his message is one of hope, resilience, and the small things students can do to bring their gifts and talents to life.”

  • Tony Pena – M.Ed, ATC, CES Health Institute Washington Union High School

    “Tony Hoffman delivered a powerful message about addiction to our students during his keynote at our HOSA-“Future Health Professionals” Region 3 student conference. Students gained a new perspective into addiction listening at the edge of their seats as Tony shared his personal struggles and his amazing story of recovery. Everyone in our auditorium left our conference knowing that addiction is not a choice and that we should be treating addicts with more compassion and empathy. Tony’s presentation will have you questioning your own views on addiction and mental health. Thank you, Tony, for making an impact in each of our students’ lives and breaking the stigmas that we have about addiction.”

  • Alex Franks – SDSU student and Greek community leader

    “Tony’s presentation to our new members highlighted the social dangers young students face in their college career. The combination of a passionately told story with relatable and emphatic language made for an extremely well received message. Our community has requested Tony’s services twice this year, and we look forward to more experiences in the future.”

  • Caterine Widder- LCSW Alamo Heights ISD Wellness Coordinator

    “Tony Hoffman is amazing!!! He is genuine, hones and inspiring in sharing his story of addiction and recovery. He is such a dynamic speaker that our students and community members hung on his every word. You could have heard a pin drop during his presentation.”

  • Katie Aiello Granite Ridge Activities Director

    “We had the pleasure of having Tony on our campus to speak to our student body to kick off Red Ribbon Week and the experience was incredible for all! Tony’s use of his real life situation was able to touch so many. Kids felt as though they could easily relate to who he was and were able to see things through his eyes as he made them realize he was once in their shoes. Students could really tell that he “got them”. Tony even spent time with every kid that came up to talk to him after each presentation, listening carefully to what they had to say and giving each of them his undivided attention. His message was powerful and will most definitely stick with our student body as they continue through life. We feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to listen to his presentation, it was one for the books! ”

  • Melanie Wilde-Lane Program Director School Based Health Branford Public School

    “This was hands down the most amazing event I have ever been a part of since coming into this community. I would suggest that every Drug Council and School take a look at Tony Hoffman’s presentations and somehow raise the funds through sponsorship, fundraising or grants to get him in to your area. It was by far, the most powerful thing we have done in this town in the years I have been here.

    Tony’s presentation left us speechless, he was inspirational, motivational, encouraging and parents left with eyes wide open. Community leaders shook their heads and said we need to connect and talk with Tony, He has some great ideas and we need to tap into them. Thank you Tony!”

  • Annette Carbonneau-Program Manager- North County Health Consortium

    “Greg and I wanted to reach out to thank you for the outstanding job you did with the north country students. Your words were passionate with a honest, no-nonsense approach, a combination that hit home for them. They loved spending time with you after the presentation and we so appreciate you staying to hang out. For us here at the Consortium, the event was particularly special as we watched with amazement as the son of one of our staff members responded to the presentation by asking for help. He has since checked into a residential program and is getting the help he needs. When he left the event that day he told his mom that for the first time in his life he felt normal, and Tony, you made that happen. He told us he was so inspired by you and your journey, inspired enough to admit he wasn’t safe and needed help.

    We are sure there were others in that room that were also transformed and at the very least are thinking seriously about their lives and future choices. In addition the adults that came with the students were so impressed and moved.

    Truly your trip to NH significantly and positively impacted many, including all of us. We work so hard to move the dial on helping students and your presentation cranked it up!”

  • Brian McCarthy Principal Dingman-Delaware Middle School

    “We had the pleasure of having Tony Hoffman speak to our 8th grade class at the Dingman-Delaware Middle School. I expected another, “Don’t do this because I did that” presentation. What I didn’t expect was such a powerful presentation that would reach kids so close to their hearts that you could see them crying during the presentation. I was shocked, not just at the number of students that were visibly emotional and touched, but also the students that I would have never guessed were dealing with issues in their own lives. Our students hugged and thanked him for now understanding WHY loved ones in their family were acting the way they were. The time he took individually after the presentation to listen to and give advice about seeking help was unbelievable. Tony Hoffman not only delivers a powerful presentation, he conveys a message of how important it is to him that these students find the help they need to change their lives. Everyone in the auditorium could sense not only how sincere he was but how much it really mattered to him to make a difference in any life he could reach. He replied to every student who messaged him last night from our school! If you book Tony Hoffman, my only recommendation is to be prepared to deal with the many students that his message hits home with! My staff still cannot stop talking about his presentation. Outstanding!”

  • Damon Witherspoon Asst. Principal Prairie Heights High School

    “Tony-I would like to thank you for sharing your story with our students today. Your presentation was engaging, thought provoking and your brutal honesty about your life choices kept our students wanting to know more. I am sure you could tell by the number of questions asked that our student body really heard your message and I hope they take it to heart. I would also like to thank you for the extended time you spent after the convocation talking to our students individually and posing for pictures as well. Thank you again for coming to Prairie Heights High School and I wish you well on all your future endeavors.”

  • Rich Cory Principal Westview Jr-Sr High School

    “Tony is able to bring a realism to the issues of drug and alcohol addiction. He has lived the American dream and the American tragedy. His message resonated with our students. Tony hit so many of the exact same points we try to get across to our students. He was an excellent speaker who brought a message of hope to students that may be dealing with their own issues each and every day. He encouraged them to get help and fight anxiety, depression, and addiction.

    You’ve got a powerful story and I hope you keep doing what you are doing.”

  • Melanie Wilde-Branford Public Schools

    “This was hands down the most amazing event I have ever been a part of since coming into this community. I would suggest that every Drug Council and School take a look at Tony Hoffman’s presentations and somehow raise the funds through sponsorship, fundraising or grants to get him in to your area. It was by far, the most powerful thing we have done in this town in the years I have been here.

    Tony’s presentation left us speechless, he was inspirational, motivational, encouraging and parents left with eyes wide open. Community leaders shook their heads and said we need to connect and talk with Tony, He has some great ideas and we need to tap into them. Thank you Tony!”

  • Damon Witherspoon Asst. Principal Prairie Heights High School

    Tony-I would like to thank you for sharing your story with our students today. Your presentation was engaging, thought provoking and your brutal honesty about your life choices kept our students wanting to know more. I am sure you could tell by the number of questions asked that our student body really heard your message and I hope they take it to heart. I would also like to thank you for the extended time you spent after the convocation talking to our students individually and posing for pictures as well. Thank you again for coming to Prairie Heights High School and I wish you well on all your future endeavors.”

  • Rich Cory Principal- Westview Jr-Sr High School

    “Tony is able to bring a realism to the issues of drug and alcohol addiction. He has lived the American dream and the American tragedy. His message resonated with our students. Tony hit so many of the exact same points we try to get across to our students. He was an excellent speaker who brought a message of hope to students that may be dealing with their own issues each and every day. He encouraged them to get help and fight anxiety, depression, and addiction.

    You’ve got a powerful story and I hope you keep doing what you are doing.“

  • Yvette Sterling- Cross Emergency Services Director Somerset County, Maryland

    “Tony Hoffman’s phenomenal presentation was one that not only inspired me but impacted the county. His message of hope, redemption, and change resonated with those in attendance and created a mindset of working together to combat the opioid epidemic that is ravaging our community. It was inspiring to see how Tony’s message resulted in young and old alike coming together to learn more about this epidemic, support and encourage one another, and join this fight as we press toward the road to healing and recovery. ”

  • Jim Kane, Principal, Wallenpaupack Area High School

    “Capturing the attention of over a thousand high school students isn’t easy but when Tony was telling his story, you could hear a pin drop in our gymnasium. Prior to Tony’s speech, I had several students approach me saying that they hoped this wasn’t another assembly telling them not to do drugs. It certainly wasn’t, those same students were extremely appreciative that they had the opportunity to listen to his story. Our student body was a buzz after the assembly. Some comments that I heard from our students were “best speaker ever,” “he really connected with us,” and “thank you for not wasting our time.” Tony took the time to answer over 20 questions from our students after his presentation and spent time meeting with individual students. His presentation impacted our students in a positive way and we were lucky to have him at Wallenpaupack Area High School.”

  • Jennifer Petit, SAC, PS-IT (LCO Behavioral Health Department)

    “I brought Tony Hoffman in to a small county in Northern Wisconsin to speak at all three of our counties school districts and his message exceeded my expectations. By sharing his powerful story he was able to paint a picture of the addiction process in a way that youth could really understand. His message had layers of depth beyond substance abuse, his message incorporated dealing with depression and anxiety and encouraged kids to seek help and support for the internal conflicts that they deal with. He encouraged the kids to find their gift and never put it away, to work hard in life, to keep a positive attitude and to really put thought into the choices they make. I believe his message had great impact on our youth and that they walked away feeling empowered, hopeful, educated and more confident to say no to drugs and alcohol. I received wonderful feedback from faculty at all three school districts and would highly recommend him to anyone wanting to get a similar message across to the youth in their communities.”

  • Lynn Burnette- Teacher, LCO High School

    “He was very engaging. His message that smoking weed leads harder drugs was good for our students to hear. He also gave a powerful message about following and not giving up on your dreams”

  • Craig Olson- Superintendent, Hayward Community School District- Wisconsin

    “If anyone is looking for a presentation that motivates students, this is it. I am very confident that Tony’s message hit home with a number of our students here in Hayward. It was time well spent”

  • Lauren P. Davie, Central Region Addiction Resource Center- Project Coordinator

    “Having Tony speak at our ‘Stomp Out Stigma’ event was the best decision! Leading up to the event, we knew we wanted a speaker that was engaging, powerful, & real. From our research, it seemed like Tony was all of those things. Upon arrival, I instantly knew we made the right decision! He was the perfect fit for our event. He shared his message of hope & recovery, but he did not hide the reality of his struggles from those in attendance. People off all ages walked away from his message remembering that their attitude about life matters & that they can change their life for the worse or for the better with one decision. This event was the first of its kind for us and Tony was easy going, flexible, & willing to do whatever we needed him to do.”

  • Kimberly Chappelear, Mohave County Superior Court, Court Team Director

    “Tony Hoffman is incredibly inspirational! He is a dynamic and engaging presenter. He captivates and connects with his audience by speaking from his heart, sharing his experiences, and shedding light into his journey of recovery. His ability to engage professionals and teenagers in his message is certain to have an impact on their lives. He is a kind person on and off the stage. Following Q&A he took pictures with teenagers who look up to him and professionals who learn from him. He genuinely cares about our youth and communities and strives to make it a better place. I am profoundly thankful for having him speak in our rural county of Arizona. We hope to have him back soon!”

  • Griffin Goetz- Laborers Union International of North America

    “Tony was able to address this terrible epidemic with a heartfelt message and delivery. The stigmatism tied to addiction is paralyzing in this country and Tony has the gift of shining a light on the fact the recovery is real and our struggles are real. Tony’s presentation skills are second to none and he gives hope to so many of us who struggle with this terrible disease. God bless you Tony and please keep airing our voice and releasing the shackles of shame and guilt.”

  • Brett “Duke” Waldon, MS, ATC, LAT, CSCS Head Athletic Trainer Associate Athletic Director, Arkansas Tech University

    “Thank you much. My athletes have been thanking me and praising your words and delivery throughout the day. My part was SMALL in the overall outcome. Coaches and administrators have been echoing the athletes claims, that the passion and heart felt connection was pouring through everyone. Your journey and subsequent triumph in life, will be a beacon of light for others to follow. I commend you and truly appreciate your candor, you have left a charge of encouragement and enlightenment on Arkansas Tech’s campus.”

  • Janie Parks- Gentry County Arkansas Chamber of Commerce Director

    “We were privileged to have Tony speak to our students and community here in Gentry, Arkansas on August 24th. Tony has a natural talent for telling the story of his life in a way that connects with the audience.

    The students, and adults, hung on every word as they found similarities in their own world. Tony is open and frank about his experience with addiction and his road to recovery. Every person should hear Tony speak. His words will change lives.”

  • Mooresville, North Carolina, Dad’s

    “Tony responded to an immediate on line request from his website from a community group of 20 Dads in Mooresville, NC who wanted to have Tony share his profound life story and important message as a Father’s Day gift to our sons with the intent of showing them how much we want to continue to love, support and guide them as they progress in their teenage and young adult years and to help them understand first hand from Tony’s life story how “One choice can change the rest of your life”.

    Tony’s courage to share his life story along with his dynamic ability to convey his message, coupled with his passion and caring demeanor, captivated not only our sons but all of us who were present that evening. Teenagers and young adults lives today are constantly faced with so many choices coming at them and consequences that could affect the rest of their lives. Every teen ager and young adult should hear Tony speak about his journey thru experimenting with marijuana and other illegal drugs, his drug addiction, but most importantly about how the Lord saved him the day before he was sent to prison at the age of 23 and shifted his entire thinking of life to his life meaning and purpose and the opportunity to inspire people to remind them that it’s not their struggles that define them , but the choices that they make do.

    We want to thank Tony for his immediate reply to our request and making his busy schedule fit with our Father’s Day event to present a PRICELESS gift and message for our sons. Tony’s caring heart and social media information is truly available to those who are suffering and yes, he personally responds back as he did with us. Keep up the GOD work Tony, and may GOD continue to bless you and your message to other Dad’s, parents, and local communities like ours.”

  • Myra Wilkey, HCCP Executive Director Mental Health America of West Central Indiana, Inc.

    “When Tony speaks, people listen… Although Tony’s life story is about his struggle with substance abuse and recovery, his message is so much stronger, so much more. It’s about making life choices; it’s about handling trials, tribulations and success; it’s about becoming the best you can be; it’s invigorating, challenging, and even difficult to hear. Tony’s level of energy is extraordinary. He connects with the audience and his passion for people is astonishing real. Tony’s devotion to, giving back to communities is unparalleled.”